Which would be better to get, the 630 or the 820?
Ignoring price, I'd say the 820. You effectively get two complete CPUs, albeit both of them being somewhat slower, as opposed to a slightly faster processor that pretends to be two CPUs that helps out sometimes with two processes that aren't similar. As to whether that's worth $100 I don't know.
1GB Dual Channel DDR2 SDRAM at 533MHz- 2DIMMs
Don't buy extra RAM from the Dell configurator. You can get it much cheaper elsewhere. In fact, you can get it cheaper from Dell if you buy it separately, but I'd just get it from somewhere else anyway.
256MB PCI Express™ x16 (DVI/VGA/TV-out) nVidia GeForce 6800 [add $180
The cheapest I see a 256MB 6800 for is $270, but you have to give back the 128MB X300 SE, which I see for $48. I don't know. Sounds like a decent deal to me if you like the card: $180 for something you probably couldn't otherwise get for less than $222.
I don't know what to tell you about sound cards. They all suck, integrated ones slightly moreso.
Bitt Faulk