I know I'll get flamed for it, and I know that in some aspects I'm buying into the Apple Kool-Aid, but I'm currently using the Apple one-button Bluetooth mouse because ... it matches the computer and keyboard.

I feel cheap saying that.

But if they're going to go to the effort of making a design statement, then using a differently designed mouse just seems wrong. PCs have been patchwork design basically forever (ever since the first PC clones came out) even if you get all your parts from the same manufacturer (and it's too bad there doesn't seem to be anyone out there willing to put a consistent design statement into PCs from the case to the peripherals like Apple does), but Macs just look nice (a subjective assessment, I know) and it seems wrong to ruin that with a mouse that doesn't match.

God, I feel dirty.

None of this excuses the puck mouse, though.
Bitt Faulk