I tend to swap mine around a little. I used to have the "Wizard" character from Gauntlet II, captured from a MAME session for the purpose.
At the moment, I have #2 of The Kids Next Door, from the
cartoon of the same name. Number 2 (no, I refuse to spell it as they do in the series, thanks...) is the "2x4 technology operative" for "sector V" of the KND. He is very much the engineer type - knows what he is doing technically, not too brave, thinks he is funny when he is really not (bad puns are his specialty), that kind of thing.
Hmmm... That one has been up there a while. Perhaps it is time for something new...
Edit: And now for something a bit different - the Tech Support Sphere! Now if I could just get photos that would have the answers readable in a 65x75 window, I could animate the GIF and allow everyone to get answers to all their questions...