Tony, does Displayserver tar as well? Or just backup...

I can't remember whether it's a tar file or a GZ file, and honestly, I don't know the difference between the two. I think it's one of those, though.

Would tar compress mp3 files enough for it to make a real difference?

Due to the nature of the way data compression works, an MP3 file can't be compressed any further no matter what method you use. Nothing can be done about that, it's just the laws of mathematics.

I take it you're in the "I don't have enough disk space on my PC to store backups of my empeg's music" situation. Well, there's nothing that the Empeg can do to solve that problem for you. If you want this stuff backed up on tape or CD-R, you're going to have to get it onto your PC's hard disk somehow. Whether you do it in little chunks or all at once is up to you and up to what method you're using to back it up.

Shoulda backed it up before deleting it from the PC.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris