Assuming that all people who are Christians have certain beliefs (other than those that define Christianity which is basically limited to the belief that Christ died for our sins) is
Prejudice. For example, you might assume that because I am Christian I don't believe in evolution. Or that all Mexicans are lazy or that all Irish are drunks. Each is about as accurate (not at all).
Again, I'm well aware that this is a politically correct viewpoint, and gets many nods from my liberal friends, but it is inaccurate and it is prejudice.
The application of this, for instance to distrust all Christians or oppose any Christian from public office, is
bigotry based on
Kind of like when many people opposed
JFK from being President because they thought, as a Catholic, he'd be taking orders from the Vatican. Interesting how the movement that aims to mimic this behavior finds a home at his old political party.
The simple fact is that most action taken by politicians are a result of that person's idiology. Whether that idiology is extreme liberalism (free markets are bad, big government is better than limited government, etc, etc) or faith in God (a woman's right to her body does not trump an unborn child's right to live because all human life is created in the image of God), it's still the driving factor in most behavior. Even an anarchist follows the idiology of anarchy. Based on what viewpoint people think is most like their own, people vote for a person so that they can act within the law in a way that makes sense to that particular idiology.
Don't get me wrong, I know there are some Christian people out there that do hold the views you are so upset about, but don't paint with too broad of a brush. It wouldn't be right for me to assume you distrust Christians so you must be a liberal and therefore you support the torching of my SUV or the founding papers of the USA to be banned because they refer to a God. Maybe if you told me you were a member of the ACLU that'd be fitting, but not the simple admission of being a liberal.