You missed a few points that also bear on what you say, such as:
- consumption of world resources: approx. 33%
- consumption of energy: approx. 28%
- production of CO2 emissions: est. between 22 and 31%.
These numbers, combined with those you quote, imply a society that is out of balance both with itself, and the rest of the world with which it co-habits.
I would recommend an excellent, non-US-bashing book which has a very objective, realistic evaluation of the role of the US in the world today. It's called "Colossus: The Rise and Fall of the American Empire" by Niall Fegusson, a history professor at Harvard U. It's well written, lucid, and comes to some pretty startling conclusions.
Whatever happens, this world is in for an "interesting" ride in the next few years. 2010, here we come....