Hey Loren...



Yeah, I'd heard about it but couldn't say anything. What I didn't know was if they were going to acquire all the assets they'd already created from LucasArts or not. Looks like that's a not, which is sort of a bummer because it looked amazing, but also sweet because now it will look MORE amazing and hopefully I'll get to work on it this time! I was really bummed when I didn't get on that project at LucasArts, so this might be a second chance.

PS... Out From Boneville is out! Only $20 and an immediate download. Go buy it and help pay my future paychecks! =] (and to admire my amazing animation skills... haha). Seriously... It looks pretty damn good. I haven't even played it yet though... first thing in the AM!


Please pass on the word to any LucasArts adventure game lovers that you know. This game is right up that alley and made by many of the same folks.
|| loren ||