Found this thread when looking through my logs. The link above is from an entry that I posted.
Yes, I will most likely resort to third-party blocking utilities soon. In the past I have done this, but then most web browsers started implementing decent pop up blocking and I no longer needed to. Now suddenly it seems the advertisers have gotten more clever and we're back to square one. But in any case, the point of this thread was more along the lines of a general theoretical question about web programming and browser behavior. Not "how do I block popups", but rather "why is it so hard for them to block popups from within the web browser's own code?"

You'd think the people who WROTE the web browser could have some influence over its own behavior, you know?

You obviously did not try THAT link because if you did you would know that that is NOT a third party "plugin". That IS the people who made the broswer giving you control over it. Read the entry so you don't sound like a retard.