does the empeg still STAY 90F? NO! It is a heat source... it will be above 90F by some amount..
Hell, there is no need for Greenpeace to be protesting! Tony Blair should simply buy up all the empegs in the world as we have just discovered a new, self-perpetuating energy source! 
Please don't make me drag out my thermo books and do an example of heat generator and cooling effects... THINK!
I thought we were doing, us engineers and original designers of the product. Are you? My understanding of black body radiance concepts is obviously not the one you are working to.
I'm a bit ticked you have asked for help here on this board, and - basically - been rude and not prepared to either listen or adjust your thinking or viewpoint. I felt this immediately I started discussion further down the thread: this sequece of responses have confirmed my original gut feeling.
I can tell you for free here: BMWs are the hardest cars that the empeg is being installed into - read the regular troubleshooting and installs problem reports from various owners - but it is possible if you stick at it.
From my experience attempting to install in the dash of an older model three series, I noticed that there was simply no room, or air circulation in the dash column. The player I put in there continuously runs hot, far hotter than I or the owner are happy with. But it works. My own install ran cool when the empeg was above the second head unit I have installed: I reversed the install so that the empeg was under it, and it started getting pretty hot. My conclusion was that it is sensitive to convection space above the lid holes. Cutting a small slot in the panel between the two units reduced the temperature a lot, without the need of a fan.
Good luck: if you keep going like this, you'll piss off everyone here to the point where no-one else will be prepared to help.
One of the few remaining Mk1 owners...