It was a pain rigging my tuner and RIO Car up right now since it isn't in the car but seeing as I started all this, I made the effort !!!
Digital ... zip / nothing ... not even static (and there's plenty of that)

Okay, that would be because of the attached code fragment (below) from empeg_mixer.c in the kernel. Simple enough to change -- does anyone have any idea why only "mpeg" mode normally has digital out (aka "I2S out")?

I'll spin a special version of Hijack with this "fixed", and we'll see if it breaks anything else.

Stand by..

void empeg_mixer_select_input(int input)
static dsp_setup fm_setup[]=
{ { 0xfff, 0x5323 },
{ 0xff9, 0x0020 }, /* no I2S out */
{ 0xff3, 0x0000 },
{ 0,0 } };

static dsp_setup am_setup[]=
{ { 0xfff, 0xd223 },
{ 0xff9, 0x0000 }, /* no I2S out */
{ 0xff3, 0x0000 },
{ 0,0 } };

static dsp_setup mpeg_setup[]=
{ { 0xfff, 0xd223 },
{ 0xff9, 0x1240 }, /* I2S input */
{ 0xff3, 0x0000 },
{ 0,0 } };

// Auxillary is on CD Analogue input
static dsp_setup aux_setup[] =
{ { 0xfff, 0xd223 }, /*DCS_ConTRol*/
{ 0xff9, 0x0000 }, /*HOST*/ /* no I2S out */
{ 0xff3, 0x0000 }, /*RDS_CONTROL*/
{ 0,0 } };

Edited by mlord (30/11/2005 20:36)