Depending on how you interpret the question, the runway is either moving the same direction of the plane's travel, or opposite the plane's travel, but either way, it's independent of the air.
The belt is moving OPPOSITE to normal wheel rotation. Says so upstairs there.
As the plane attempts to move forward down the belt the belt moves forward with it in order to cancel wheel rotation.
The plane is still moving forward down the runway and through the air, and past the control tower, the terminal, and the parking lots. Each increase in speed and attempt to turn the wheels forward yields an equal increase in speed of the magical belt.
At Vr the pilot pulls back on the stick and the plane takes off- giant treadmill or no. The only thing saved in the scenario is the tires and bearings on the plane.
End of story.
The problem is supposed to help the students understand displaced reference frames.
Like running inside a box car in a moving train. You run 10mph relative to the box car, but relative to the ground you're doing You+Train.
In the example, the student has to dissociate themselves from standing on the belt watching for tire motion. Stand in the parking lot and everything is copacetic.
10101311 (20GB- backup empeg)
10101466 (2x60GB, Eutronix/GreenLights Blue) (Stolen!)