I got my new motor for my slowstick installed and tested out. It's sweet, I now am only using 1/4 to 1/2 throttle, a bit afraid to go WOT now since I'm hearing the rubber bands creak when I turn at that speed

On my last flight of the morning, I took up my cheap CVS video camera, and got some footage from the airplane. It was edited for time, since I didn't think anyone would want to watch 7 minutes and 28 seconds of the camera sitting in the grass while I walked out to where I "landed" it.
Oh, the plane is in good shape, no damage, but it did flip over and eject the camera from the rig when it "landed"
http://www.konosky.org/gallery/album06/First_AP_AttemptIt's in Divx format, so you'll need that codex.