Well... first off, I installed a light kit into the buttons a couple weeks ago. I used red LED's because I was using red buttons/lens but used the resistor values listed for the white LED's. I wasn't thinking and obviously this is wrong. BUT all worked fine. The LED's under the buttons were very dim compared to the knob LED's and yesterday I went in and changed the 1K array to a 100 Ohm array. This seeme like a good fix and all was fine. I thought the display seemed a bit dim though and there was a bright vertical line on the right side about 2 pixels wide but only where writing would be. Well, I got in the car and drove home and it was definitely dimmer. Getting in the car today, I couldn't read ANYTHING on the display. So this afternoon I went back to the 1K array... problem was not solved with the dim display. I tried with the array out as well and there was no noticeable difference in brightness
After much searching, I found the dimmer fix (didn't work) and things referring to the power capacitor. I did the power capacitor voltage check and I'm WAY low (23V)! I checked the fuse to the display and it was fine. I checked the power capacitor itself and it reads as 111nF and is listed as 100 nF in the posts. So I'm a bit at a loss as to where to go from here. I cheked various pins on the Max chip and got no more than 5V anywhere. What should I check from here? I think (and I stress think right now) I have the capability to repair what is wrong if someone can give me some direction on what components/pins should have what voltage on them. I was having trouble following the vias through the board to what is connected where
My player is an MK2a