My point being that safe mode in and of itself doesn't do anything. It's just a tool for an expert.
It allows you to at least get to the point you can poke around your computer and see what might be wrong. Something as simple as uninstalling a renegade program from within safe mode certainly isn't above most user's heads.
For the record, I am not a Windows lover, but I find it just simply works with no hassles. I have only had XP crash on me once because of a faulty driver for a USB drivice. Updated the driver and now it's fine. Never a crash before or since and it runs simmingly on my PIII 800MHz laptop.
My P4 2.4GHz desktop machine also runs WinXP without issue and is a lot cheaper to build and upgrade than a Mac. My Duron 1.3GHz runs Windows 2000 Server and only goes down when the power goes out. I can't complain.
Oh yeah, I have the dorky magnifying application bar thing also...

272678-winxpbar.jpg (101 downloads)
-Rob Riccardelli
80GB 16MB MK2 090000736