Next up, now that I know my way around solder: finally fixing the flakey pins on my empeg sled.

This turned out to be more difficult, in some respects, than the TV repair. The FAQ entry said pretty much everything I needed to know, but things got tricky for a few of the pins. If you get too much solder on the pin, it gets thicker and it's hard to get back into the connector. I only had one wire where the crimp had failed entirely (ignition detection -- which explains why my empeg would spontaneously turn off and on again). I restripped the wire, but I wasn't able to make much in the way of a good crimp with the original pin. I ended up tinning both the pin and the wire and then soldering them together again. This was a huge pain, particularly getting the whole solder-covered mess back into the connector, but it all seems to be working fine, now.

Now the question is whether I want to attempt the display brightness capacitor hack. Right now, I have a habit of starting the car, going to the brightness part, and hitting the right arrow a bunch of times until I get the proper screen brightness.