Because two or three things suck - at different levels - doesn't mean they all don't suck. It just means they differ in degrees of suckiness.
I guess I'm just questioning your suckarithmic scale, especially when neither you nor anyone else can locate a product in the same category that is better. It is indeed possible for all products in a given category to suck, but only in relation to your own ideal of what a browser should be. Plus, your gripes seem mostly related to the downhill trajectory of Firefox's quality and stability from 1.0x to 1.5, which begs the question why not just run 1.0x until the 1.5 baseline gets cleaned up.
On the browser front, the selection for Mac OS X is more than enough.
Do you *really* think there's a browser out there that's better? Wouldn't we avid Mac users have found out about this Holy Grail of web browsing already? Firefox's competition on the Mac is pretty much Safari, OmniWeb, and Opera. IE for the Mac is a joke, and the myrad also-ran browsers are what you'd expect from also-ran browsers. As for not having time to configure a browser, if it takes longer to configure a browser than it did for you and I to write these posts, I'd say that eliminates the browser right away as a legitimate option.
By the way, where does the opinion, that because something is free it can't/shouldn't be criticized, come from?
Not what I'm saying at all. It just seems like there are a lot of software prooducts that suck more than Firefox, and just by virtue of being the best browser available forjust about every platform it runs on, it shouldn't be one's first target for declarations of suckitude.
But hey, you're right, posts here are free... Many not even worth the paper they're written on.