I have made a few changes to my living room set-up over the past week or so. I have finally got my self a nice sub and a better centre speaker. The shopping around I have done has started me off on a hunt for a new TV too. I have no intention on buying one for the next couple of years, but if I am spending £3k on something I like to think about it first

But I am having trouble understanding the term "HD Ready". There are 3 main levels of HD quality right?
Can any "HD Ready" display all HD streams at full quality or is there a degree of down mixing going on?
Does the res of the panel itself make any great difference? They all seem pretty low res to me.
And what is up with the price of HDMI leads? I thought they started all that to get around expensive DVI cables. I saw a 3m cable in Comet today for £149.99 that boasted "improved image quality" pahhhhhhh!
Rant over. Anyone know how to set up a sub properly? can't get mine sounding quite right and none of the tips on the net are helping!