$65 Million before shooting a single frame.

Oh heck yeah. Storyboards, previs, laying out every shot, mocking up every CG. I enjoy watching the behind-the-scenes of good movies as much as the movies themselves. Lord of the Rings extended edition!

Effects have gotten to the point where most people only notice/speak about them if they're crap.

Interesting. I wonder when that change happened. Jurassic Park blew people away in 1993. Toy Story got some attention in 1995. What else in the past 10 years had groundbreaking special effects that really took audiences to the next level? The Matrix in 1999? Kind of. Lord of the Rings 2002-2003 "Massive Engine" crowd scenes?!

Or heck, not even flashy explody special effects, but even Sin City cinematography that really gets noticed and takes us beyond tie big screen. When did effects stop being noticed, and what are the exceptions?
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