Do you have to do all 7000 at once? I thought the Gallery 1 import tool would let you pick what you wanted to migrate. I guess I shouldn't talk, though, becase I wasn't able to get it to work (my own fault, really).
I will say that I'm getting a bit frustrated with Gallery 2. It is extremely unituitive and it's driving me nuts. Can anyone who runs it explain how to change what users see under each photo? I don't even want the filename to show, since it's nonsensical anyway. Even with the very large number of pages on the admin section, it's almost impossible to tell what does what, or where you need to go to accomplish something.
Also, I was very happy to see that when you're logged in as an admin, you can change the view to what a guest would see. Great idea, right? Well I tried it and it doesn't look like what I see when I log out and go to the Gallery as a guest user. That's just annoying...
Edited by Dignan (29/06/2006 17:01)