First thanks alot for your time and effort in helping me this up and running again. I appreciate it.
Once I get home from work I wil try it to see what happens. Just to make sure I get it right......
Get to the bash prompt:
type in rw
next go to directory- rm/empeg/var/database*
next go to directory- rm/empeg/var/playlists
next go to directory- rm/empeg/var/tags
then type in player -i .into directory rm/empeg/var/tags?
Once it finishes back to bash prompt:
type in ro .be sure to enter command BEFORE rebooting or power off.
type in exit.
Install hi-jack (newest version ok?) record track in vital signs
Once track is found then go back to bash prompt?
type in: /drive0/fids/(name of track?) do I delete from the bash prompt?
It this doesn't work then I guess a new hard drive is in order. I will give this a try and hopefully it works. Does the vital signs in hi-jack give a log of corrupt/bad tracks? If so that is a nice feature. Alllows you to see the offending track so you can delete it before it plays again and corrupts your player. Thanks again for you're help.

Can't wait to get home!!