I suppose the next questions are:

- What are you going to use it for?

- If the answer is "playing games", then it's just a question of which games are your favorites.

I've had my PC hooked up to the television set for the last week or two, and I've really enjoyed playing games this way. In fact, it's kind of made me less interested in getting an xbox right away because now I'm enjoying my games widescreen on a nice big LCD, just like the xbox displays in the stores.

The only thing is, there are some games you can't get on the PC. Like, I'd love to play Halo 2 right now, but can't, since I don't own an Xbox.

There are a lot of games that are the same, such as Need For Speed Most Wanted, which is one of my current favorites. After finding an online resolution patcher, I can run it in 16:9 widescreen and it works great. I've found that a lot of games which don't have widescreen support by default can be patched for it by third party tools.

On the other hand, I'm playing a lot of Counter-Strike Source, and you just can't do that kind of thing properly on an Xbox. First person shooters are mediocre at best with a joystick, keyboard+mouse feel so much more natural.

If you're talking about doing other things with the Xbox/PC combination, such as watching movies, just get a good DVD player and a Tivo and be done with it.
Tony Fabris