Despite the 60mph speed limit (quite reasonable for a local), the best I ever dared that day was 50mph on those stone-walled tunnels

Take a mental note then, never and I mean ever get into my van when I am driving in the dales around here, lots of walls lots of bends, lots of fun! It is more fun at night, and safer too as you can see people headlights ahead.

I don't think I have ever seen a car accident on these roads, plenty bikers don't make it though. To be serious for a moment, you don't have to do 60mph, and if you do get overtaken it is by a local (and I mean local!) I can remember one time I went to visit one of our guys up in the dales and we went back to the telephone exchange for lunch, he over took me on what looked like a blind bend to me, what I didn't know was where to look to see what was coming, we were in transit vans and it was very tight, I can imagine it would have been pretty scary to meet us on that corner

