Big Brother (UK) has only been broadcasting in 16:9 for the last series, possibly the one before too, presumably because it was tricky/expensive to get all the correct equipment for the number of cameras they used.
I would imagine Channel 4 changed its technical criteria so now all new programmes commissioned must be 16:9 which is probably what swung it. From personal experience good 4:3 kit is considerably cheaper to hire than its 16:9 counterparts, mostly because nobody wants it.
Interesting to note that Sky's acceptance criteria means that all new programming must be delivered in HD. As a result sale and hire of Sony Z1's have gone through the roof because small production companies can't afford full-size HD capable cameras. I recently worked a couple of days on the Manchester heat of 'The Big Idea' made by a production company for Sky One. They used 6 Z1's, something that would've been unheard of five years ago.
Andy M