OK, here is my take....

I'm all for getting stuff for free, but I also believe that if you want something bad enough and someone has been kind enough to provide it, you should stump up the cash.

In my opinion what Tony desribes here is a crime, I'm not worried about who is the victim, all I know is if I wanted WiFi at the airport that badly and someone has put in place that service, however faceless and highly priced it may be, they the asking price should be paid in full.

Put yourselves in the place of the people who have set up the service, imagine if you made your living that way, I think you would see it differently. It's people abusing the service, which again in my opinion Tony was, that keep the price high, can everyone remember how expensive mobile calls were?

The same goes for the music argument, I download music I admit that, but I also buy the stuff I really like, I'm not stupid enough to buy music I will never listen to again, and I may wait until the price comes down but I do buy it. People make their living from it, and should be rewarded if they do it well.

How would you feel if someone parked on your drive while you were out at work without asking? I mean you weren't using it, but does it make it right for me to? I don't think so.

