TeeMcBee: I manage a mailing list for www.MotorCityImprov.com. The "To:" field "all-@---" is not a real email address. It is not like one of those mailing lists that were popular a while back where any subscriber could send notes to the whole mailing list. Instead, the "To:" is just a name of a list. Only someone with access to that list can send an email to it. If you did write to the "To:" address, chances are that it would either get bounced back to you as an invalid email address or more likely get forwarded to someone within Rio. (For example, I have many aliases set up @motorcityimprov.com including a wildcard address *@motorcityimprov.com - So if someone misspells an address, it will get forwarded to me.)

12gig Mk. II BLUE
Detroit, MI USA
Brad B.