Attached are images of the first loaf (I made 3 yesterday) and the Dutch Oven.

Using the tea towel (cotton not terry) to place the dough ball after folding worked our very well. A light dusting with some flour and corn meal and there was no sticking after 2-3 hours sitting. It was very easy to just turn it over and dump the ball into the pot for baking.

I ended up making 2 white (using bread flour) and 1 multi grain (which was a 50/50 mix of the white flour and multigrain bread flour). The dough sat rising for 20 hours or so and then 2-3 hours after folding (first loaf about 2 last loaf about 3 because I could only bake one at a time).

My oven's temperature must be off because my baking times didn't line up with the recipe nor what's been suggested in here. The bread was great, in and out, but there's no way I could have baked for over 20 minute with the cover off the dutch oven. One load spent only 15 minutes like this at 400 after having baked 30 minutes with lid closed at 480. The first load baked 30 minutes closed at 450 and then 15 minutes open at 450 (this was already pushing it, any longer and the crust would have been way too hard).

293428-NoKneadBread1.jpg (130 downloads)