Okay, this is much more like it. It could be a political stunt (though a risky one at this point, and very far out from the '08 primaries) but it's about time a prominent Democrat had at least as much conviction on the issue as a GOP stalwart like Hagel. Hopefully this will spurn the rest of the Democratic caucus to grow a set and oppose the war instead of talking about opposing the war.
With this, Barack Obama moves ahead of the Inanimate Carbon Rod on my Presidential short list.
My sig du jour notwithstanding, I am not a big Obama booster; don't actually know too much about him. What I do know is that a lot of the Democratic Party's declared candidates completely failed the Iraq test and don't deserve to run, never mind be elected. The fact that Obama isn't among those failures and has some charisma puts him way up there in my book even if I can (and I can) find areas where I don't like his positions. But he *really* needs to quit smoking. What a *stupid* vulnerability!
I think Obama's withdrawal call is a good thing. I don't think it is very risky. He has to differentiate himself from Clinton and to not do so would be riskier, I think. So, I could wonder if it is a stunt, but it is at least consistent with his past positions vis-a-vis Iraq. And it is the right position. If it is calculated to help distinguish him from Clinton? Great.
So, would OBAMA/RICHARDSON '08 work?
It is interesting to watch John McCain commit political suicide. What a complicated, conflicted guy. Hard core, self righteous, but couldn't manage to stand up to Karl Rove. John, I think it is just desserts time. Bye, bye.
A while back I sent Howard Dean a threatening letter. I let him know that if the DNC is so brain dead that it would put forward Clinton, that I am going to stay home. Not vote. I didn't get what I would call a personalized response, but Howard's email robot now sends me a message at least once a week. Should I be encouraged? 
If Obama makes some headway with this, I am unclear on the actual effect. Right now I think Bush's strategic plan for Iraq comes down to him studying the new line of brush mowers from DR Power Equipment. That and bein' The Decider. Wouldn't it be great if Shrub couldn't leave some poor fool holding that bag? But I bet he will. With a vengeance.
And, given my abiding faith in our vaunted Two-Party System, I wouldn't be at all surprised if that bag holder will be the new President Clinton. Or the poor Republican bastard who beats her.
'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.