* FWD / RWD / 4WD / AWD- Don't Care
* Convertible / Coupe- would LIKE a convertible, but I'm undecided
* Stick / PaddleShift / Automatic / CVT- Automatic
* HighHorsepower / HighRPMs / LowEndTorque / Turbocharger / Supercharger- Exact specs aren't important, but I want to have some oomph.
* 2-seater / 4-seater / CanCarryGolfClubs- 2 or 4 is fine, but I'd prefer a 2 door.
* Heavy / Light- don't care
* HeatedSeats / otherLuxuryStuff- Nice to have, not critical.
* SideCurtainAirBags / otherSafetyStuff- don't care, but my wife does.
* American / German / Japanese- don't care.
* under-$30K / $30-40K / $40-50K / $50-60K / $60K-70K / $70K+ Must be under $35K and would prefer under $30K
* SportsCar / GTCar / HighwayCruiser- as long as it is "fun".
My ranking:
Aux in for my Karma
Lines of the car (how it looks to YOU)
DepreciatingDoodads-in-the-dashboard (GPSNav/bluetooth/Ipod)
Maintenance costs (I.e., wide Z-rated tires aren't cheap and # don't last)
Resale value
Image of the car (how it looks to OTHERS)
So maybe you should get a Infiniti G35
This is what my wife wants me to get- used, obviously, since I can't afford to get one new.
the plastic interior is Empeg-proof
I'm pretty much Karma-only these days. The empg is about to be retired to a shelf in my house. However, this makes Aux in a HUGLY imporant thing for me.
You mentioned that you like Mustangs. Of course you might now be getting a little too old to be "that kid with the Mustang" and yet still be a little too young to be "that mid-life crisis guy with the Mustang."
I'm ok with being either of these guys- it's a fun car to drive 
But you might have some issues with lugging your guitar amp around (bring one to the dealer and see if you can jam it in the trunk).
Well, I don't gig anymore since moving to Atlanta
, but if I ever DO need to lug equipment around we always have my wife's Escape (which I still think is an awesome car, and actually what I've been driving to work as of late).
2.5 hours!?
OK, never mind. Buy a Prius or a Hybrid.
- heh, well this commute (1hr 15 min) is temporary and does not require me to play rent- I assume that my normal commute will be around 45 minutes (1.5 hours total) once we get to our final destination. The upside is that I have more money to spend on gas so having a nice drive is more important than economy.