I've successfully found a way to have a 2nd ide channel on a mk2 player without physically modifying the player in any way.

I've taken the GPIO pin assigned to IDERESET which is on pin 1 of the IDE cable, and used it to multiplex the two chip select lines by placing a quad 2 input nor gate on one dual CF adapter and a quad 2 input NAND gate on the other. ( It should be possible to make this modification on the ribbon cable, but there's little point)

IDERESET is only used to detect a drive refusing to start due to thermal constraint, my modified kernel retains this functionality if a normal HD is used.

Attached is a boot log.

I've still got a problem with the IRQ code to resolve and i'm currently waiting for some CF cards before I can progress much further.


303789-cf.txt (502 downloads)

Mk2a 64mb 60gb