Having seen andym's Myth Box in action, I have to say it's quite impressive and well worth the effort.

One thing would worry me would be ripping all those DVD's without any form of backup. Have you thought about using some older PC bits you may have and use FreeNAS with several HD's in RAID 5 for max backup and storage space. 4 x 500Gb HD's would give you 1.5Tb of backed up storage on a very low spec machine capable of serving multiple clients.



Yeah backups isnt something I have thought too much of just yet.. hehe its gonna be expensive just getting the 1tb drives to hold it all let alone extras for backups.. but yeah i can see a big need for it especailly after reading how long it takes to rip one dvd.. I dont have too much experience with raid, is that something i could do with the WD USB/Firewire drives or would they have to be PATA/SATA?? since the case has limited space i was wanting to go with the external HD's also so I could just add a hub to keep adding more as needed, cause i dont see us stop buying dvds any time soon. Is there a backup method that would work in the setup im wanting to do? really dont want to be stuck with internal drives or having to setup a second machine, unless i could some how use my LAMP box somehow but its only amd 1g with 756mb ram so not a whole lot going on there..

I think I will be checking out that HDHomeRun tuner, thanks for the tip, looks like its even very compatible with myth so that will make life easier...

Also thanks Mark for the link to that app you wrote, I will probobly be installing that when it comes time to do this system

I havent looked too much into software other then what hardware would be compatible with linux, cause i figure I can deal with the software side after all hardware is built and just toy with it.. I have seen a little bit about myth being client/server but didnt know too much more then just that.. so its actually designed to be run on 2 differnt machines? Am I going to have more lag between channel changes then the tivo with myth? I expect some just hope its not rediculous..
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