Regardless of brand/style of camera, one of the most important aspects for inside shooting is a low f-stop. F-Stops are the inverse ration between the amount of light that enters the lens and the amount of light that reaches the film/sensor. So, if a lens only let at most 1/5 the amount of light entering the lens through to the sensor, it would have an minumum f-stop of 5 (all lenses can be 'choked' down to allow less light to reach the sensor by reducing its aperture).

A fast lens (low f number) will allow two things:
1) Shoot without a flash in darker rooms and still have acceptable results (less blur)
2) Allow a flash to have a greater 'reach' (a longer distance at which the flash effectively lights the subject).

Before spending 100's of dollars, I would recommend getting a basic photography book so you can learn the three basics - f-stop, exposure time, and ISO speeds.

The more you know the less chance you'll buy the wrong kit.
