Since my girlfriend doesn't read these forums and I doubt any of her friends will catch my posts in Google, can we expand this thread to engagement rings?
I've already got one long-time favorite jewelry store to consult with first for the setting, but just in case they no longer offer the typees of rings I have in mind, I'm curious what tips you guys have.
I'll be purchasing the rock elsewhere and having the (or "a") shop set it. Whatever it ends up being made of - I hate the idea of a diamond, but I suppose I will end up with one anyway.
The place I'm already planning to check makes all their own stuff by hand. They used to make a really cool ring that looked like it held the stone by horizontal clamping force only - and it didn't protrude from the top very much at all. I hate rings where the stone sticks out like a weapon. My soon-to-be fiance gets no voice in deciding what the ring will be like. That would just be against everything I stand for.

I suggest any guys who go shopping for this stuff with their future wives should instead go looking for a pair of balls.

Or if style isn't your bag (no pun intended) then consult someone else. Judging by the excellent ring recommendations in this thread already I don't think anyone here has these issues.
Does the diamond industry still advocate spending 2 months salary on an engagement ring? Ummmm. I don't think that's going to happen. You can't put a price on our love, but I'd probably have a heart attack spending that much on a tiny piece of jewelry. I know she'd rather have money spent on other things like travel anyway.