XP-Pro + MediaCenter apps

That was the conventional wisdom, but I think that dates back to the days of only being able to get MCE with 3k+ microsoft certified media center computers. I can't imagine MCE can join a domain, which is the one valuable feature of XP Pro over home, and MCE doesn't usually carry the $100 premium.

Well, it's really XP-Pro on the disc, plus a bunch of extra stuff for MC. If one uses a MC license key, then domain and group/policy support is omitted, but if one uses a Pro license key then that stuff is apparently installed. I don't need/care about either item, so no issue one way or the other.

Here's a nifty summary I found somewhere about it.

300148-WinXP_versions_compared.jpg (115 downloads)

Edited by mlord (08/06/2007 18:58)