I hate to say it, but it's like Leopard got hit by the Vista ugly stick. The pointless transparency and mirroring effect on the dock just screams change for changes sake. Beyond the pinstriping, the mac menu bar at the top of the screen really hasn't changed since 1984. Why now?

I agree, but only to an extent. It all hinges on the word "pointless". There is a world of difference between the 14 year-old with a hacked copy of Photoshop UI design nightmare that is Vista and the "pointless" UI changes in Leopard. Personally, I like it. But if you don't, turn it off. I hate the dock background in Tiger, and ClearDock took care of it handily. It's nearly a sure thing something similar will be available for Leopard.

I just tried the same in Vista (turning off all the pointless, ugly UI elements), and I ended up with this:

300299-Vista.png (167 downloads)

Edited by webroach (12/06/2007 01:53)