Is the HP Journada an ARM unit? I didn't think it was according to this I was looking at the conduits site last night too. My question is how portable are the apps across different processors under CE? I have to think they'd be portable, otherwise how could CE gain much programming momentum?

I've got a fast connection and can burn & mail a CD if you would like. Just send me a private note with the mail details & the link to what you need (the limit of my compiling experiece is 'hello, world').

With VNC into a VNC server on the ipaq a program to generate the IR commands should be pretty straightforward, especially in a wee X-windows session (I might even be able to attempt something simple).

I have to wonder the future of Java in CE since the Sun/MS settlement It would seem to be none. So unless a second party releases a Java enabled CE mini-browser (maybe Opera might) it doesn't look good.

It'll be interesting to see which way MS takes CE in the next few years. If history is any guide, small and fast will not be the direction.


just say you weren't paying much attention...