If they can produce something comparable to the Sony TZ (or even better, to the 1.89 pound Sony G1), then I'd probably be lining up to get one.
It's not really a matter of "can" but rather "will" - it's all about market with Apple. Everything they make has a very large (potential) target market. At least that's their aim. They also like to keep a small product line. Then there are quality standards to consider, which are at least 200% higher than any other notebook maker. They didn't abandon the G5 PowerBook nor 1920 and 1600 displays notebook designs earlier because they couldn't make them. I saw and used them in final casings. They did it because the products just weren't good enough with that component mix. Too hot, too short battery life, not as thin as they wanted, etc...
Why do you think it took so long to produce the iPhone? The pieces they required to achieve the quality level they wanted just weren't there. Good thing they didn't wait around for a more efficient 3G radio.
The only reasons not to get an Apple notebook these days (IMO) are if you have requirements for a smaller/lighter product or you want to buy a super-low-priced notebook. Macs are cheaper than similar products from Dell and others, but those producers still make ultra low-end models at more atractive price points. Notice I didn't say "economic" prices - in the long run they may not be.
I don't think I'll ever order Dell anything ever again. Just visiting their web site is almost enough to want to drive your car off a cliff.
My recommendation to my fiancee who was ordering a non-Mac notebook for one of her employees was a Lenovo. After I having said "get a Mac anyway."