ClemsonJeep, isn't this basically the exact same thing your company was doing, only for other purposes? I still find it pretty interesting.

... an excerpt from a mail I sent to our ex-company mailing list at eTantrum when I saw that napster was buying Relatable (who was 20 minutes down the road from us and our biggest competitor):

From: Rob J [[email protected]]
To: eTantrum Employees
Subject: hahaha...

Nice article...

Substitute "eTantrum" for "Relatable" and "songprint" for "TRM" and you
basically have the same story... Funny funny.

Talk about bad timing for existance on our part..



Oh well. :) That's how the cookie crumbles. What's personally amusing to me is that our company was VERY much in contact with Napster a year ago. (Sean Parker even hosted a "Northern VA Napster Rave/BBQ" in our warehouse at the end of last summer).

/me thinks about possibilities of opensourcing the entire project.....hmm.......
