How about driving from LA to SFO on the pacific coast highway (Route 101) stopping off at a few places on the way (like Carmel). If you want a really wacky night, stay in the one of the rock rooms at the Madonna Inn in San Luis Obisbo (

I did this years ago and it was a great road trip. Also did LA - Vegas & Death Valley - LA as well in the same 2 week trip. Or if you don't fancy Vegas you can go to Yosemete National Park instead, and even go North of SFO into the Napa Valley and wine regions.

You could even consider going down from LA to San Diego (for the zoo) and even pop into Mexico

I wouldn't try and do East coast and West coast in the same trip though. Save NY for another time.
Mk2a RioCar 120Gb - now sold to the owner of my old car
Rio Karma - now on ebay...