Thanks. I had to start some where

Here's a belated welcome to the empeg BBS. What you just saw here is a regular off topic tangent. It's more the norm, but useful info still usually comes out on the main topic.
Feel free to stay around if you want, and also check back in a few days, as not everyone here reads the boards on a daily basis.
Me being awkward again, but I use the channel up and down buttons almost exclusively.
Nah, it's not awkward. I was more curious then anything, as I have generally found them to be worthless space on a remote. But it seems plenty of use is still had from them by most. I got spoiled by the quick UI on the Replay units I guess to be able to fly though the guide. Really a shame in general that there have been so many great ideas in the TV space that are sitting discarded alongside the road now.