I thought they got rid of the J-gate shifter.
Eventually - this was probably the very last model to have them. The next year's XK/R was the new shape.
Looks great!
How is it at night?
(Handy thing, that dimmer feature)
Found out last night - it's *BRIGHT*.
It's high enough not to distract though.
I hadn't originally planned on wiring up the dimmer sensor - I will though.
Wow - I'd have been nervous cutting that too. You must be very happy it all worked and came out looking excellent.
Oh yes - I was really worried it'd look rough. Especially the shape without the handle. It looks nice though - I think that because we know the handle should be there it looks a touch odd - but I'll ask people who have no idea why it's T-shaped and see what they think.
Just with the crimp connector: there should have been 3 parts to it. The third is a strain relief. You double back the cable and clip it on. Not explicitly necessary and in this situation probably OK to go without it since there shouldn't be anything tugging on the cable. Just an FYI.
Nice install. I must admit I thought that the first few images with permanent marker and the hole looked a bit rough and ready. End result is nice though. How is it to keep having to look up?
Don't recall seeing a strain relief in the box/bag or on the short 'just so I know it works' run provided - the boot end comes on and off when the unit comes in and although it has lots of slack it may benefit. The main unit has no strain at all.
I tidied the edges and the hole up before finishing - the headlining is actually thin fibreglass sheet, 2mm brittle foam, another thin fibreglass sheet, 1mm soft foam and then the fluffy liner. I had to trim the fg sheets a few mm in from the fluffy liner to allow extra material for the edge. Then I dug out the static foam for a few mm to allow the headlining to compress nicely. I already had plenty of photos and I doubt anyone else is nuts enough to install a display extender in the exact same car so you didn't see that bit

Looking up is odd - but OTOH I won't be having glare issues!
But it looks so nice up there, good job with that. Love the fact that you can prod the buttons on the headlining, the action just instantly makes me think of a aircraft pilot.
Just brilliant. Well done!
Cheers mate

It does indeed feel very aircraft like - and you (or the passenger) needs a steady hand to press the buttons on the move.
It's very solid though.You need to come for a quick flight to see for yourself