I actually appreciated Robs offer, and was quite looking forward to a second helping of spotted dick

. Unfortunately the cook in the cafeteria here (in Germany) had absolutely no idea what it was so I won't even get a first helping

(can't be bothered finding a recipe and trying to teach him how to make it either. It is one of those things you should just know!

Oh and flashman "ol' buddy", my name is
Derek, not Dirk (I'm not German, even though I live in Germany), and if you don't want to seach through tons (or even tonnes) of old posts for a couple of quick answers, try the
Search option. It does work! Tony can tell you how it works if you can't figure it out (and if he doesn't have a FAQ on it already

). Sorry to be a bit picky, but it is just a little annoying when the same questions get asked again and again, and especially when it occurs numerous times in the same thread!
(list 6284, Mk1 S/N 00299 4GB blue [for sale]. Mk2 S/N 080000094 6GB blue)