I've finally got some spare time (no, I've not been fired) and I've got back into tinkering with micro controllers (namely the Arduino Diecimila) so I've decided I might as well get some bits to make things easier.
This 6 in 1 jobbie has caught my eye. I can get it for £87.57 delivered. What do you guys think?
200kHz max sample rate on the analogue scope? The logic port can do up to (only) 8MHz.
200kHz isn't even enough for fast I2C if you want to look at signals in the "analogue" space.
They even have a link from the tech specs page justifying the 200kHz maximum. Maybe that's all you get for the money you're talking though. I haven't researched these things that thoroughly but the logicport has sort of caught my eye as a result of this thread