I've attached my Travian Calculator as well. It still needs work, but it is helpful for early players. It contains only data for Romans, you could add other tribe data, but most of the buildings are the same for everyone.
I've left my most current data in there as a template so you can see how it works.
It has many worksheets:
All the game data are in the sheets Resources, Buildings, Troops, Research, and Upgrades.
Calcs is the sheet where you input what you have and what you want (in the grey columns). For lands and troops, enter the quantity you have/want. For buildings and others, enter 1 if you have/want it.
Calcs will tell you how much each item will cost, the total for that group, and the total for your whole wish list. This will help you see what land to extend for your short term goals. ie: 20 Legions will require lots of Iron, so extend Iron Mines. You could even extend lands at the perfect ratio to meet your goals.
The trick with Calcs is, I used Excel's "Hide" function to hide rows that I don't care about. Look at the row numbers; where there's a discontinuity, there are hidden rows. To unhide, select the row above and below the discontinuity, then right click and choose Unhide. You can re-hide rows you don't care about by selecting them, right clicking and choosing Hide.
The Output worksheet is where you get the info. It tells you your current production, and the production you'll have when you develop the lands that you want (on Calcs). Below that, it tells you the time (in hours) to produce what you want given your current resources, and given the resources that you want (on Calcs). Below that, it has two benchmarks - time to create an Imperian and a Cavalry.
Like Calcs, Output will tell you the weak link in your resource production. If your goals will take 100 hours of Iron, but 75 hours of the others, then build enough Iron Mines to balance out the distribution. I set weekly goals, so on Calcs, I "want" about ~168 hours of stuff. Go tweak the parameters on Calcs and see how they change on Output.
It has a hard time calculating future "time to produce" for land extension that you want. Output's "Income" section assumes you already have the lands that you want, but Output's "Time to procuce" section assumes you still need to build them. To get more detailed, it should account for building time, etc.
So, you basically change the values in the "Now/Have" columns and watch the numbers shuffle around. It can be more useful, but I only work on it when I have free time above and beyond playing Travian.
I hope it helps someone.
Travian calculator.xls (334 downloads)
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