It becomes habit to take it every where, I now make a point of leaving all mobile technology when I go out, I figure if some one really needs me they will find me the old fashioned way, and if it isn't important enough to wait for my reply it couldn't be that important in the first place

When I took this new position at work (about two years ago), I was required to get a cell phone. They even took my desk phone away (which I had for eight years - people still call that phone instead of my 'new' number) since managers and above are the only people important enough to have both. I hate the idea of a leash, so I either leave it at work locked in a drawer if I am there past normal hours. If I leave early, I take it home and dump it on my dresser and forget about it until the next business day. I guess it is so folks (like my customers) can get ahold of me while I'm tooling around campus.