Originally Posted By: Boelle
i think i will post the CSV here tomorrow so you can see what i meen

The attachement contains a couple of programs that I quickly hacked together. You'll need .NET 2.0 (or probably Mono, but I've not tested that, yet).

They're not integrated yet, but I'll sort that out if there's enough interest.

They are all console applications, as follows:

  • FindEmpeg, which looks for empegs on the local network. Stop it by pressing Ctrl+C.
  • EmpegGet, which given the IP address found above, downloads the database files to the local directory. It assumes that you've got Hijack installed, and that the FTP server is enabled.
  • EmpegDump loads the database files from above and displays the empeg database in depth-first order. Currently it's in text format, but I'm investigating HTML or XPS output formats.

Let me know how you get on.

Oh yeah, and they've had about 4 hours total development effort, so they're a little rough around the edges. Feedback is welcomed.

empeg-tools-20080513.zip (256 downloads)

-- roger