THE Rename - A batch file naming utility.
OS X equivalent: Terminal and the many unix commands to do this. Learning how is a great way to get used to Unix commands in general, and the knowledge is highly portable. With Cygwin on Windows, such info is even usable there. I haven't used a GUI app to mass rename files for a long time.
It does sound like a great way to learn, but I don't think I'd use it in practice. With THE Rename, it takes me about 10 seconds to set up a process that will look at a directory and batch rename after doing a find and replace on each file, both with extremely specific instructions (example rename: only find and replace a string 2 times and start from the left while matching case, then add a three digit counter to the end of the name starting at 101 with a step of three, then add specific text to the beginning of the filename based on the folder the file is in). I like the GUI interface for this kind of stuff

Cool! I wasn't aware that they had finished the Mac version of OpenOffice.
I may try iPhoto, but I use Picasa for pretty much the reasons you gave for iPhoto. I use Google for everything, included online photo sharing.
Thanks for letting me know about the SE support. That sounds great. Much better than Windows.