Originally Posted By: andy

I can see it now, "Redneck Mythbusters" wink

Elroy: OK, Bobby, we got this here letter from Joleen and she says "If someody is drinkin' a Coke and you make 'em laugh, well, Coke will come shootin' out of their nose!" Well, I say that's a damn myth!

Bobby: Sheeeeit!

Elroy: So we have Joleen here and we're gonna make her take a big swig of Coke!

Bobby: Hell, yeah!

Elroy: So Joleen take a big swig!

Joleen: Okey-dokey <glub, glub, glub>

Elroy: Bobby, tell that joke!

Bobby: What joke?

Elroy: Hell, any old joke! Joleen , don't swallow! Wait up! Bobby, tell a joke!

Bobby: OK, so what do you do with a year's worth of used rubbers?

Elroy: I dunno, what?

Bobby: Melt them into a tire and call it a goodyear! A GOODYEAR!!


Elroy: Bobby, lookit that!

Bobby: Sheeeeeit!

Elroy: I think we done confirmed a myth!

Bobby: Hell, yeah!

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.