It's not so much the low interest that honks me off, it's the money-in-limbo that gets me annoyed. I have a money market account that gets better rates than my checking account. I used to transfer money from the money market to the checking account then pay my bills from that. The way Chase rigged it, I had to move the money in sooner, since they insisted on taking the money out three days prior to a scheduled payment. To add insult to injury, if I made a large deposit, they would randomly decide to place a hold on the money without indicating this in any way that I could deduce, causing a transfer in the other way, at one point, to mysteriously fail.
What's crazy is that, with the modern "paperless" check clearing infrastructure, none of this is necessary. Money moves instantly, so why have holds and delays and all of that? The only reason I can imagine is that Chase is trying to increase their "float" on your money.