Try the middle ground between risky stocks and boring CDs: mutual funds. Each fund is a collection of stocks, bonds, etc. Fund managers constantly monitor these portfolios to get the best return. These are less risky because the fund owns enough different stock to survive if a few suddenly drop.

Put the majority of your money in something stable. Put the minority in something risky that you know about, so you can recognize opportunity and risk. Funds are good for 2 years or more, so you'll get a good start at 2 years.

Growth and income funds are rather safe and may provide a steady return. Stocks chosen for these are major corporations and other unglamorous faithfuls.

Index funds follow the major indices (Dow, S&P, etc) and are supposedly better preforming than other funds. Maybe now is the time to buy while the markets are lower.

Value funds are more of a "buy low, sell high" gamble, but could give better returns.

Sector funds let you invest broadly in a single sector - tech, health care, etc. Pick a fund in a sector that you know.

International funds ships your hard earned $$ overseas in hopes that other countries will do more with it than America will. Risky, because who knows when another nation's political tides may change, but could be a great return considering all the production coming from developing markets.
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