I don't think either one of them scored any kind of overwhelming victory.
So I am told. I had a dinner date, so I am relying on 2nd-hand reports and pundits.
Given his untenable position (he and his ilk are pretty much responsible for the trouble we're in today) McCain did a creditable job of not going down in flames, so from that point of view he was as much a winner as anybody.
Sounds like it. Although a couple of people told me that Obama polled much better afterwards among independents.
But I still maintain we're not electing a president, we're electing a scapegoat.
I thought it was an apropos time to read another FDR biography when I spotted a new one (by Jean Edward Smith) at the university bookstore. I don't have any feeling that Obama has the connections, wit and nerve to pull an FDR, nor does he have the possibility of 3-4 terms. I would like to think that he doesn't have the prospect of WWIII to elevate his role to savior-in-chief but that remains to be seen.
So I wouldn't disagree re: scapegoat. Bush makes Hoover look like a bright, popular guy.
I finished Bacevich's book. He doesn't spare Obama or anyone who thinks a simple, orderly regime change will make a significant difference. But the book was more critique than prescription.
I am told that Rudy Giuliani and his wife flew with McCain to Mississippi. I *am* looking forward to watching the VP debate on October 2nd and to seeing Palin in St. Louis. I hope I won't be disappointed